Thank you for taking the time to read my question! Is it legal to order p1-lsd for research purposes? Legal in EU?
1 réponse
22 vues
Informations supplémentaires I read the article's guidlines and wanted to sure it's true so I don't get in trouble.
Anonyme a posé une question à La sécurisation des frontières
Catégorie: Expérience ambassadeur
Date: dimanche, avril 12, 2020
Dernière révision: mardi, avril 14, 2020
Eric A.
Adjoint administratif - Conseiller en recrutement
This platform allows you to talk about the police professions.
Your question does not concern trades, we could answer your question.
The use of drugs in France is illegal and therefore punishable by law.
Have a good day.
mardi, avril 14, 2020
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